In March my scrapping business partner was looking for morel mushrooms in some woods about 2 miles from his house. While he was there he noticed some old farm equipment there rotting away. It must have been built in the teens or 20's and it was probably sitting there for over 50 years. He saw one of the neighbors walking his and told them he was doing and the neighbor said that it wasn't his property and that it was owned by Pfizer. Pfizer owns like 3000 acres in this area where they grow wheat and corn for the cattle they have. The area where he was at was probably at least 500 yards from where Pfizer is actively using.

He and my brother went back there a couple days later with our trailer and got all of easy pieces in two trips and they got over $100 each. About a month later he and I went back there with his blow torch to get the hard/big pieces. The spokes on the wheels of this stuff was made from like 1'' dia cast iron. I noticed on the axle of one of the pieces the word 'Deering' was cast on it, I assume this company eventually became 'John Deere'? He cut what he could to get the weight down so we could move it.

We left one piece there that had a bush growing through it and was so thick that the torch probably wouldn't do much, it probably weighs around 700-800lbs. We got almost 1200lbs of heavy gauge cast steel and at the time the scrap yard was paying $270/ton and we each got $80 for 2hrs of work. I'd like to go back and get that other piece but I guess we are technically trespassing on Pfizer's property and with the price down to $160/ton it's not worth the risk.

Let me know what you think.

BTW I didn't post pics of this job on my 'J & J Scrapping' facebook page just in case....