I live in Northern California. My closest real scrap yard is a 2 hour drive northeast, there is another scrap yard 2 hours south. The NE one pays pretty bad the S one pays even worse. There is a ferris only yard in town but he will not pay. Doesn't bother me when I get something to scrap I pull the good stuff and he gets the rest. That way I do not have to find a way to get rid of it and no way will I take it 80 miles to get paid $5.

I visit the NE one when I take my wife to one of her doctors. But I only sell insulated wire and cast/sheet aluminum.

I was lucky I found a yard I liked but it is 850 miles away but he paid great. With UPS I could send 40 pounds of copper for $25.00 He had good prices, even better than the two cheap places after I back out shipping. But last month he stopped doing mail shipping completely. My copper hoard is backing up. I am not in a hurry to sell I just want to find a new buyer somewhere on the west coast that pays good and will accept shipments by UPS or USPS.

So does anyone have a great scrapyard that will take mail in shipments. (that you trust?)