Focker, do you have model number or brand for that and general price range?? my tailgaits out of it anyway

1st load of ibeams i got spread my bed bout 3 inches and bowed the gait so i just took it out

i want to thank everyone for their comments, concerns, and advice. like i said in the opening post we are getting by now actually with no problems other than dead end roads narrow drivesways or no driveways at all. we are pretty good at guessing weights and usually clear 75 to 150 per car before we cash in our radiators batteries cats wheels and anything else we take off the vehicle(stock this stuff up). we are interested in one but 1500 would have been in our price range and we could be in the clear after about 10 to 15 cars i just didnt know it wasnt worth it. im gonna keep on looking and am open to anymore ideas anyone may have. thanks again very much for all comments so far cory couch