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    snodly started this thread.
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    A Few Tons of TVs With a lot of issues. (Warning - Kinda Long)

    So we landed a sweet deal with a thrift store that called us to haul off their broken/unwanted electronics. The guy asks me on the phone, "how do you handle tvs?" so I told him since they help with the community that we would take them for free, but if we take the tvs I want all of the rest of their electronics that they don't want or that don't work. Well he tells me they have about one hundred tvs and it would be awesome if we would take them, and that we would have exclusive rights to the rest of their junk electronics and scrap metal. Well Mechanic and I went and met with the guy, he showed us around his 100,000 sq.ft. warehouse that is so crammed full of crap that you can hardly walk through the place, and we talked about business.

    A few days later, last Wednesday, I was on my way through town in my truck and decided to stop by and grab a small load of tvs, they had started a small pile outside because they have no more room inside, so I show up and start loading up these tubes. Thats when I noticed something odd. None of these tvs or the microwaves had any cords on them. I figured some scrapper drove by and just grabbed the gravy money and left. I know they are outside and in my book they might as well be free game, at this point I am a little frustrated but not too upset about the deal. As I'm strapping down my load an old man who volunteers at this place walks up and asks me what I'm doing, I explained, and mentioned something about the wires being cut. He looked at me and says, "yea i cut the wires, I get all the copper here." Now is when I'm starting to get upset because this guy works for the place and should have been told that we get all of the scrap. So I left and came back on Friday and talked to the people that run the place again. I told them that if they want us to take their tvs we need to have them intact because we make very little profit on them and have to pay to get rid of the tubes. "Ok," they said, "not a problem."

    So I go and rent me a 26' uHaul and recruit my little brother to help me load these tubes. When I got there with the truck to load there were about 100 tvs now sitting outside with the cords cut off...ugh. I load these up, whatever. Go into the warehouse and start looking at the best way to get these other tubes out. This other volunteer, who runs the warehouse for two hours a day, comes out and asks me what I'm doing. I explain that I'm here to take these old tube tvs. He tells me that I'm not supposed to be taking the ones from inside the warehouse...Ugh. I tell him he is wrong and that this will not work out for the best if I don't leave with a full truck. He tells me that I'm only to take the tvs outside. Now I'm getting a little pissed off, and told him to get a hold of someone who runs the place and figure it out because I'm either leaving with a full 26' truck or unloading whats in there back onto the road and leaving with an empty truck.

    Just a quick mention this is one of the wannabe scrappers of the place. I'm assuming another one of the guys who cut some of the wires.

    He finally had someone call him back to inform him that I was correct and possibly all knowing of there little operation out back. So I get no more grief from this joker.

    Here is the good part. Garrett, my lil bro, and I start carting these tvs outside. Mainly 27"-40" tubes. Every time we carted out 4-5 tvs another ten showed up. You could spit 10' in any direction and hit a tv. They had a small area where about 70% were but the rest you had to dig and climb and crawl and swing on vines to get to. Finally, 4 hours later, I have a full truck. Well it was as full as I wanted it to be because we still had to unload yet that day. Here are some pictures. I'll put the rest of the story below as it has nothing to do with the TV's. Also the camera I used on Friday has the wrong date set because it is not the camera I usually have.

    A little side note of why this guy who runs the operation out back is an idiot. This warehouse is a big place, but also a big run down leaky, musty, moldy, place with standing water every ten feet. I mean, I left that place with soaking wet shoes Friday. Well anyways, the full operation for this place is in a building in front of the warehouse where they feed people meals and have the actual thrift store that's fairly nice, the warehouse for the thrift store is only open for 2-3 hrs a day and is where they keep all of the stuff that needs sorting and the big stuff like furniture. We were loading these tvs while they were briefly open, and I got to hearing some of the prices this guy was telling people. They were outrageous, I mean if the stuff was in an actual store or a nice place maybe, but this is a run down factory with holes in the roof, no organization, and stuff piled so high my 6'6" brother couldn't reach it. This is all donated to them, and they don't turn any donation down. He was telling people $25 for a dang kitchen chair, One kitchen chair, used, sitting in water, covered in dust, scratched, moldy, and prolly rotten at the feet. no one bought a kitchen chair. Actually there are about 300 kitchen chairs there, I wonder why. He wanted $300 for a non tested projection screen tv like the smallest size before it goes back to tube tv. $100 for a tube tv, prolly why I had to pick up so many. The one that gets me is Some one came in and asked how much for a used mattress...$100 That is wrong in soo many ways. When you get into this place you would expect garage sale prices, ad they should very well be. This place is supposed to be a non profit organization that helps people. Just like the salvation army and other places. I was infuriated at the pricing that this guy was telling people.

    I had asked the people that run the place if they had any computers and perifs out back. They told me they had piles of the stuff. When I was out there loading tubes. I was able to grab one printer out of two, a scanner, and one computer. I asked this guy out back what happened to all of the computer equipment. He tells me that they threw it all out. Then later on asks me how I get all of the gold out of the computers, and off of the boards. I told him as far as getting the gold off of the boards he wouldn't want to play that game unless he wanted to kill himself. Then he asks me who I sell my stuff to. I told him he didn't have enough money for the information that I have, and that it take a whole bunch to make an kind of decent money. I have a feeling that he ended up with that pile of computers because he knew that we were coming to take them and now he wants to know where to sell the stuff.

    I'm going to talk to the family that runs this place today and figure out whats going on with this guy out back and if they know what he is charging people for this junk crap. This is supposed to be a place to help people in need and to find a good deal on something. You can go into the front and ask for a voucher to get a free couch or fridge or something you need if you are hard up and don't have anything, but need a place to sit or something to cook with or keep things cold. From what I heard from my Mom is that her neighbors went in to get a voucher on a couch and every one they picked out that guy told them they couldn't have that one. They left with out a couch because the only ones that he would give them were so soiled and nasty that they couldn't even give them away.

    This whole situation has put a bad taste in my mouth. We as a family are never going to donate anything to this place again if its going to be sold for these kinda prices and not going to be used to actually help someone in need. This place gets state funding for being a non-profit. They don't pay for any labor, they don't pay for anything. All the food that they have for meals is donated daily, the food bank they run is all donations, the thrift store they run is all donated stuff, but where is all of this money that comes from out back going? I think its going right into the guy out backs pocket and maybe a little is going up front to actually help.

    Anyways I'm done ranting. It is daylight outside now, and I have around 200+ tvs to tear down haha.
    Last edited by snodly; 06-27-2011 at 06:12 AM.

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  3. #2
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    holy crap.

  4. #3
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Maybe you can help get the place straightened out. And maybe the state would like to know how their money is being used.

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  6. #4
    snodly started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
    Maybe you can help get the place straightened out. And maybe the state would like to know how their money is being used.
    Thats what I'm hoping for.

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  8. #5
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Sounds like a scam from front to back...I wonder how much that guy is puttin in his pocket when someone pays his inflated price. Good luck, I hope it works out for you and Mechanic in the long run.
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  10. #6
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    Speaking of thrift stores. I was looking for a couch. Found one I liked, but they wanted 325 bucks for it. I just laughed and left.

  11. #7
    dherik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    Speaking of thrift stores. I was looking for a couch. Found one I liked, but they wanted 325 bucks for it. I just laughed and left.
    jeeze you can go to big lots and get one for like a hundred bucks

  12. #8
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    Places like that...I report. Ask for there books..they HAVE to BY LAW give them to you. Check them out. If you see plain fraud then report that to the IRS. I have shut down two places like that before as they where making HUGE profits an not doing much else.

  13. #9
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    Thrift store pricing is stupid crazy high. We have some around that don't get it to price stuff to move. Sure would save them on dumpster service. I am selective about where I thrift shop, and which one I donate too. I like to be able to see my donations out on the floor within a week or two with reasonable affordable prices. That's for good crap I didn't keep to sell myself.

    ...and people get weird about free stuff. That guy is cutting your cords, swiping stuff meant for you....

    Good luck with your talks. Treat the manager or someone on the inside really well. Box of popsicles or Coke in glass bottles on a hot day. Something fun and cheap, but not cash, to thank them. "Train" the staff to "guard" your pick-up stuff when you're not there. Do something for them when you can, and let them know. Something that only takes a few minutes, but helps them. Sweep the area you picked up from, oil a queaky door, or quick-fix something with a screwdriver for them. Pretty soon you'll be a good guy, and they'll be your fan club/referral network. Treat them well. Give them your biz cards.

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  15. #10
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    enjoyed the beginning of the saga , Tarzan !! Will look forward to the next episode.

  16. #11
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    Wow! What a crazy place. I am glad you got the TV thing sorted out. Keep us updated, will be interested in hearing what transpires.

  17. #12
    snodly started this thread.
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    Part 2

    Yesterday Mike called to tell me while he was in town he went by the place, and that they had a truck load of stuff thrown outside again. So I dropped what I was doing and Garrett and I headed for the warehouse. I got there and loaded up six or seven printers and about five old industrial looking hoover sweepers, by the time I got there the power cords had been cut, not a big deal on stuff like this though.

    While I'm loading up the guy that runs the place yells "hi" from down at the front building. I yelled "hey" and told him to get his a$$ down here. I showed him some things that were in his dumpster that are not supposed to be in there and he confirmed that for me. We talked about a few other things then I got strait to the point about this Wayne guy that runs the warehouse. I asked him if he was aware of the inflated prices out back, and then I told him about a few things I didn't like about Wayne and his bull$h!t. Dave looked at me and said, "you are probably the 1000 person to say something to me about this." He continued on to tell me how they haven't had enough help to replace this guy until recently, and that they are going to have an auction in a couple of weeks. I guess that after this auction Dave said that Wayne is going to be moved from the warehouse and back to maintenance.

    Dave said that earlier in the morning he was out there selling stuff left and right for $5-$10 just to get rid of stuff. He seemed upset about what I was telling him and assured me it was gonna be fixed as soon as possible.

    Moving on from that point we started talking about where we are gonna have an area inside to keep all of our stuff. He is going to have his guys make a space about 20'x20' right next to the loading dock, and that is where all of our stuff is to go. He also clarified that we are to get every ounce of scrap that comes out of that place. His "right Hand Man" came out to see what was up and started talking about all of the stuff they are "supposed to have inside," and was telling me that as far as he knew there was still supposed to be a butt load of computers left inside. I told Dave and this guy what Wayne had said about throwing them out. This is when Dave got a look on his face like "I'm gonna kill somebody" he got pissed and told me he was gonna get to the bottom of all this bull. I told him a few other things about the people taking the scrap from there and he said that he is putting a stop to the people that volunteer there getting scrap. He said they will break it down there and then fill up his dumpster with their trash and then make bank on stuff that didn't belong to them in the first place.

    There are a few guys there that I think are gonna have our backs after talking with them a little. They informed me that they basically loath Wayne, think he is as crooked as the day is long, and that they are trying to get things organized for us. I chatted with these guys for a while and they seem like they are more about being helpful to the place. These guy are more concerned about helping people than they are about themselves. They let me in on a few other things that they don't like about how the place is run, but it was nothing like the place being a scam. Just day to day things that they would change to be more efficient. Smarter that they look type of people.

    Soo, we are hoping that in the next couple of weeks things will be turning around. Dave went as far to give me his cell number, and told me to call him if I needed answers about something or had a problem. He also told me that I pretty much have free rein of that place when it comes to cleaning out the clutter, and that I'm not to listen to a word from that other guy telling me what I can and cannot take.

    Well Now that the story is current I'll let you in on a sneak peak for next time.

    Today, after I finish typing this up, I'm calling Dave to set up a time for today that we can meet at the warehouse. Today the warehouse is closed so we are gonna go "swing on vines" and search for these fabled pallets full of tronix that he was told yesterday were still there.

    I hope you guys have a good day today, things are looking up for us and I appreciate all of the helpful hints and support.
    Happy Scrappin,

  18. #13
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    Good luck on your search! Thanks for updating us.

  19. #14
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    Nice update Snodly! Sounds like Karma strikes again. haha If you don't mind me asking, what do you do with the tv tubes when you are done breaking them down?
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  20. #15
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    Yeah, I would like to know that answer. I have over 600 TV's sitting in storage, but hopefully something will break for us soon on the glass. I think I may have found an answer and it was staring me in the face this whole time. Will tell you all later if it works out. Thank you snodly for the wonderful posts. We too work with thrift stores and had to tell them not to cut the cords or we wouldn't take the stuff, but sometimes it happens. Hope everyone had a good day today.


  21. #16
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    Thanks for the saga continuation.....hard to understand why they don't ax Wayne instead of moving him. He can do just as much damage in maintenance. Be careful on those "vines".

  22. #17
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    Keep the story comin' buddy, good to read.

    As for the glass. I break down a ridiculous amount of tv's/crt's each day. I contacted my local transfer station (basically a smaller dump, in town). Told them i have a "bunch of glass that was in an old shop i bought. Just truckloads of shattered glass". For 9$ i dumped 2700 POUNDS of shattered tv/crt tubes.

    Just call around. But DONT say "tv glass". You'll get shafted at every turn.

  23. #18
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    Good thinkin Hoss, best of luck snodly...keep the updates coming.

  24. #19
    snodly started this thread.
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    As of right now we are just stacking them up intact, without breaking the tube. We are still working on the best possible route to go with the tubes that will be somewhat Eco-friendly, mainly because I don't want to make make Mike or I a liars. We advertise complete recycling. I think there might be a possibility that we have a buyer, but I'm not sure as to how its gonna work yet so when we get to that point I'll let you guys know either "yay or nay."

    Wednesday Garrett and I went to the warehouse and pulled another truckload of stuff out. This time we still didn't find any significant amount of computers, but we did find a network/server rack unit that still has all of the wires and a huge fan. Might try and dig that baby out. It stands about 6'6" tall and is 2' or so wide and 3' or so long. I'm thinking I have a buddy that wants to put a rack server in his office closet and this would be perfect.

    What we did pull out of the warehouse was a decent truckload of printers, actually had to bust a strap out to keep stuff in the bed. Found a junk car sitting out back that needs torched up and hauled off. Plus I found probably another hundred or so tvs sitting in a area that is not easily accessible.

    I finally bought a trailer, but it needs decked because it is a boat trailer. After this weekend I'm working on getting that trailer made up so that every week when I go to the warehouse to pick up I will be able to make a bigger dent in the stuff.

    I talked with Dave after I was done with the loading, and told him what some of our needs were, for instance we are still looking for a few tools to help us break things down faster. He said he is gonna keep his eyes open and give me a call if he finds anything.

    Well, not too much of an update, but I'll keep this thread updated if we have anything spectacular to say. Other than that it would just be me getting on here every other day saying, "We broke down fifty tvs, my hands hurt, I hate tvs, but we made $xxx amount of money!"

    A few words of advice from a pyro and an amateur fireworks freak. Its Fourth of July weekend, please please please, don't get drunk and drive, don't get drunk and blow your face off with a mortar shell, don't do stupid things with fireworks period. Have a Fun and Safe Weekend!
    Happy Fourth,

  25. #20
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    Thanks Snodly! I know of a place in Ohio I can send pallets of tubes too, but I would have to charge to take tv's in order to afford it. You pay by weight as well as shipping. (unless you have a truckload or so maybe) if you're interested.
    Last edited by Saroro; 07-01-2011 at 12:19 PM.

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