Before you do ANY demolition, make sure there isn't any asbestos contained in the house. Not only because it causes cancer, but because some states allow you to remove it yourself and put it on the curb if the house is still livable. It's either that or pay a few grand to have it removed. I learned that the hard way.

Also, you'll want to make sure the gas, electric, and water are all cut before you start. A call or two to the utility company should take care of this at little or no cost. You'll also want to call the city office about any permits or things, and also to have any taxes on the house taken off.

And some of those building materials can fetch quite a bit. Make sure to look into that before you go and break everything.

I did a house about a year ago, and it ended up being a lot of fun. It's nice to be able to smash through anything you want without caring about the damage.