I have a question for the board that I hope someone on here may be able to answer. I searched previous threads to see if it has been addressed in teh past and could not find my answers.

I break down old HVAC units that I get through work. Specifically speaking on the package units, the ones with the heater units has these little spiraled stainless steel wires (picture of a bucket full of them attached). I used to leave these on the schreddable steel scrap from the units but a fellow peddler at the scrap yard said that they are some kind of SS alloy and worth separating.

A while back, I took some to the scrap yard and the guy tried to pay just standard stainless price. I explained they are supposed to be a premium alloy and he tried to use his little ID gun on it however it was inconclusive since it was such a small surface area it was testing. Since at that time it was only 3#'s, he went ahead and purchased it as Inconel (paid way more than regular stainless). Now that I have a considerable amount of it, I wanted to try and be a little more informed on it when I take it in.

I know there are alot of guys on here that break down HVAC units. Can you advise on what type of allow it is? Thanks in advance.