I have somewhere between 50-100lbs of this wiring. It has 2 coated copper wires inside then what might be a wire of aluminum that has no encasing. No magnet will stick to this part. Then it also has the outside spiral encasing made of some type of metal and a magnet will stick to it. My first question is what is this called and what type of metal would it go as if scrapped as is? Would it be better to strip out the copper wires? If so should I only strip the copper wireing down to the encasing or strip it down to straight copper? Any info and help is appreciated. I have been reading on this for a few days so I have done some research but I want to ensure I'm optimizing my return. I tried to upload and link a pic and neither will let me since i'm new i belive so if someone wants it in a message to post for me that would be great!