I wonder how some (new) yards here in Tucson can pay so much for certain items. I thought maybe they were shipping the items to California illeagly. But not sure now that I have seen the prices...
Statewide Average Monthly Scrap Value Notice

Some odd prices by me but I will take it when I can get it are...
#1 plastic bottles .30 lb (Calif average is .25 lb)
#2 plastic milk/water .08 lb (Calif average is .187 lb)
#2 plastic color .02-.05 lb (Calif average is .187 lb)
Glass bottles/jars .06 lb (Calif average is .0015)
aluminum cans .80 - .90 lb! (Calif average is .80 lb)

Unless they are taking them for the deposit value but some items have no CA redemption value