Ive been getting a lot of bikes and mowers that I have been moving pretty well because I have a bike guy and a mower guy. Mowers are anywhere from $5-10/ea if they dont run, more if they do run (i dont do any troubleshooting other than put in gas, prime and try to start, dont have time).

And bikes have been pretty good lately. Most store brand bikes that are repairable/decent and not rusted away Ill get around $10/bike. But Ive recently found some good brand bikes (cannondale, trek, specialized, etc) bike in the trash that Ive gotten $50-100+ from my bike guy for. All needed cleaned up and repaired some otherwise I would have sold myself, but again, dont really feel like messing with stuff most of the time and like to keep the items moving.

Other thing that has been good recently, dehumidifiers. I found ~5 at the curb, and plugged all of them in and they all work. Sold most for $20/peice on letgo. I mostly use letgo since I am in a pretty populated area where theres a good amount of people on that app. CL I quit using to sell as its much quicker/easier on letgo. Facebook marketplace I have heard is all the rage recently but I dont have a facebook account.... might set on up just for marketplace selling though. My wife has a fb and has sold furniture on it before and it goes QUICK... might just have to give fb marketplace a try