Ummm .... let's take on pace guys and not get too excited. True enough ... i made a killing on silver back in the late 70's but that was more dumb luck than any kind of market wisdom. Not so lucky for the Hunt brothers come silver Thursday when the market dropped 50% in just four days.

PM's are best thought of as a safe and stable long term investment and NOT a get rich quick scheme. It's for that very reason that PM's and especially gold tend to finish strong toward the end of the year. It's a cultural thing for people in places like India to plow their year end bonuses into PM's with the intent that they should be saved for retirement. The increase in market demand tends to bump prices up a notch this time of year.

If you're seeing wild increases in Rhodium, as we've seen over the past five years, it's more likely due to market manipulation than anything else. Take a lesson from history so as not to find yourself on the losing end when the bubble bursts.