Right now hard drives are starting to become an issue for me. On request of certified destruction I have been handing hard drives back after pulling them from machines on site. Sometimes I will tell the customer to remove the hard drive before hand so they can dispose of it on their own. Looking to offer a for pay service to my ewaste customers involving hard drive destruction. Charge a flat rate type of deal as an added service. Was looking to do this on site so all involved have proof etc...

I was going to set this up as I will tear down the drive on site, recycle the board, case, guts, and cover plate as I do with all other computer parts. The platters I want to hit with a magnet and shred on the spot. I was looking at charging a two tier fee for this service if I have to remove it from the computer or it is loose......

Any one have any idea of a small portable shredder that I can use for this? I was thinking a larger paper type cross cut but I am worried that it won't hold up or even work at all. I can't get too deep price wise for this as I don't want my return on investment to be years in the making.......I need something that will hold up, be portable so I can lift it, and is cheap?

I'm just throwing ideas around to try and increase my profits and this was a nice area to start. Looking to expand my services.....you all get the idea.

Thanks for the ideas......