Quote Originally Posted by NameThatWontGetMeBanned View Post
I think you misunderstand. My interest is in potentially becoming the guy that you ship your ewaste to. Not a guy who collects ewaste and ships it out. But thats okay. Thanks for taking a look.
I think 406reifinig covered most of it. Most buyers are not refiners themselves, they buy and ship to a large refiner.

The only way you can find out is if you start buying and ship to a refiner. Then you will have some answers after you have done several loads. For motherboards you will need around 40,000 lbs minimum in order to ship to a refiner. Anyone who has this information will not share it, as it comes from years of trial and error, as well as the occasional very expensive mistake.

I would suggest to start buying material at prices close to what others are offering, and once you accumulated enough you can make your first shipment. Hopefully you a have a lot of money to put into this up front, as payment is usually made after 90 to 180 days, I have firsthand info on this. You also have to think about assays, representation etc. If you are even remotely considering this you should already be familiar with these things.

If you actually want to refine yourself on a large scale, then better have many millions to invest up front!