So we have been working for a while on an account with a bank. Today it finally showed its fruit and we received a load of about 50 computers and monitors. 4 of them are quad core desktops and the rest are either Pentium 4 or dual core systems.

Previously we have been breaking each computer down for the individual components and just selling them at scrap value. I KNOW there is a way to make a much higher profit off these and thats why I am here. What do you guys do to refurbish PCs?

None of them have a hard drive in them so I know I would need to purchase one for each computer. I dont think it would be profitable to buy a new OS for each one. There are stickers with OS keys on them. Can I reuse those?

I know there are large government auctions that sell for a ton so I just would like to know how people make profit on these types of deals. Thanks in advance!