So i was reading through previous post about catalytic converter, palladium in it and stuff and the more understanding I have, the more question popping up in my head so im hoping someone experience with this could help out. I read through alot of the previous post but many are asking the pricing for a particular catalytic converter and stuff. Gustavus posted some good post regarding this sometimes back but the picture is removed so I couldnt make any reference to some of his advice. I've uploaded some pics below.

Is all these catalytic converter? (I numbered it at the side so maybe you guys can much easier explain which is and is not)

What are the "biscuit" thing u guys are referring to? Is it in the "pipe with hole"? Where is the palladium or other pm?

I see you guys talking about shaking to hear if the beads are inside and stuff. Where are the beads suppose to be found or seen?

Can anyone refer me to somewhere that have some brief description and process of de-canning the catalytic converter? And what are the ways you guys do to get the platinum out?

I probably could have sold it to some buyer in the original form and get some pretty nice profit and now that its being cut up, it might not be worth anything more than scrap iron price but i just wanna really see for myself what does it look like inside, and for anyone else who is curious what does one actually look like inside.

Any help is appreciated! thanks!