Not that I have any cool scrapper stories of my own but I was just reflecting one night and thought of how this business can be shady at times. Scrapers life huh?

Anyways, when I used to work with my grandfather in the Summers, he had this one client, plumbing business, he'd pick up scrap from (went out of his way actually, 20 miles north of us and the scrap yards is about 15 miles south of us in Chicago.) So for a few years we were getting good loads you know copper piping, brass valves, some bronze, the usual ferrous, but then we just started getting scrap iron and water heaters. They said business was slowing down. Push comes to shove, we find out they're taking the cream to the yards themselves and just leaving us with the milk. (Guess business really did slow down). So my grandfather was pretty pissed and just said f@&k them and stopped collecting scrap for them. I think he was giving them a cut of the profits too but I can't be too sure.

I guess the moral of the story is watch who you do business with? Anyone else have this happen to them? Seems pretty cut-throat