I am getting a lot of old TVs, but my oldest set is a 1962 HMV P1, my oldest working black and white set is a late 60s early 70s AWA P5Y! And I am getting my HMV TRENT TV restored by a mate of mine, and there's only a few issues to repair a sound issue, and some horizontal and vertical issues, and then it will be fully working and it will be put on its original legs and then hooked up to a DVD player via an RF modulator, playing classic TV shows , can anyone send me a tube based chassis colour Zenith, I hate paying shipping to it though since I like them free and low cost shipping, and make sure it's either a portable or a tabletop since console sets are costly to ship, and I don't mind having the chassis and the CRT in a nice cabinet to have in my collection, I was just wondering if anyone can convert one to 240v 50Hz PAL for me?